2022-03-25 James Tian 浏览:1813
她的诗歌已被翻译成14种欧洲和亚洲语言,她曾在美国担任广播节目主持人,并主持了许多舞台表演。她每周的专栏文章“ Cantonment Calling”和“ History Mystery of Food”受到了赞誉。
‘Even after all this time
the sun never says to the earth,
"You owe me".
Look what happens
with a love like that,
it lights up the whole sky.'
——The Persian poet Hafez·Ishq
Love,like the sun has for the earth
Is the passion that keeps her irradiated
Resurrecting after each whiplashing
Keeping her grounded despite onslaughts
On her beauteous visage
A love that smolders to illuminate her
Scalding himself with excruciating burns
So that her luminescence remains alive
Even when he is asleep,he leaves the moon
To guard over her in the blasphemous night
Snows melt from the Rockies,Himalayas,Alps
Gurgling streams meet large hearted rivers
With the heat from his warm blooded rays
Monsoon clouds meet in the kohl tinted horizons
And burst their dams on scorching plains
The earth dances in each dianthus and phlox
It smiles at the singing nightingales and canaries
Gamboling like a giddy goat in the daisy valleys
It reflects the flaming sunrise and bleeding sunsets
In it’s clear lakes,ponds,seas and oceans
The secret is the sun’s selfless,devoted mohabbat
A love that needs nothing in return for its largesse
A love that only knows how to bestow like one enraptured
Enamored like a worshipper at her incense scented altar
Sans intelligence,sans motive,holding her with invisible chains
The sun plays no martyr card, he blows no trumpet
He loves with a molten,single minded,golden warmth
He asks for no recompense,he demands no physical love
The ecstatic love mysticism of Rabia-al-Adawiyya’s ishq
That closes shutters in springtime lest the blossoms distract
看吧 似如此至深之爱,
它可点亮 这美丽的周天。”
爱 就似太阳对大地付出的一般,
充满着激情 永不会厌倦。
仍可于她的容颜下 接受着他的温暖。
她的爱 油亮如昨,
轻吻到了他 令他这样热恋。
她的光芒 会永持活力,
纵然 他已入睡,
在浸润的夜晚 守护她于无声之间。
落基山上 共喜马拉雅与阿尔卑斯山上的的积雪融断,
潺潺的溪流 与宽广的河水遇见。
带着他 温暖之鲜血由来的热量,
伴随着季风云 于科尔的有色地平线上和合,
共在炎热的平原上 奔腾绵延。
尘泥 于每簇康乃馨 与福禄考丛起舞,
它向 调曲的夜莺和金丝雀微笑点颔。
似雏菊之山谷中 山羊般的咩叫,
它辉映着 火红的日出和日落的涕血,
秘诀 是太阳无私奉献的 爱与友情,
唯知 像被恋人一样奉献爱的爱意,
像膜拜者一样 迷恋被香熏上的祭坛,
不假思索、没有企图 亦看不到绑架的锁链。
太阳 没有绅士的底牌,
他也 没有号角,