2022-03-25 James Tian 浏览:1593
Can the world be improved?
First we’ll have to change human nature.
There’s cause for pessimism.
Evil triumphs, and hate appears dressed up
in religion, or in the latest political uniform.
But it is more difficult yet to give up on the idea
and to resign oneself to the world as it is.
So we had to let go of the dream that our descendants
will meet a happier future. Our genetic inheritance.
Yet none of us can imagine killing off our children’s
expectations, even if we are ashamed of our own
confusion and ignorance. Joy is such a frail
material, and physical happiness is no crime.
Admitted; I’m groping in the dark. There’s a shortage
of words with real validity. Concrete suggestions
or a solid sentence with a foothold.
I cannot offer firm arguments.
But I’m affiliated with the naïve who mosey on
and want the impossible.
此世 可否转暖?
或先 应作人性之变。
悲之感 皆有心源:
邪劣 战胜了良知,
仇恨 有了宗教与政治的遮掩。
然 欲弃此欲 如此困难,
仿似 脱了世事 不闻不见。
或 我们迫有弃梦,
但后人呵 将会面向美好之明天,
令先辈的光荣 再次流传。
却 我们如何想象 煅杀孩子的期愿,
欢悦 是如此脆弱的东西,
肉体上的追求 不是错误的侵犯。
于世事之间 缺乏文字的闪烁,
无法组织 富有情怀的句子,
更不能提出 坚定的凭据共论断。
而我 是如此单纯之人呵,
或是千点 感觉无法改变。