
2022-03-25   James Tian    浏览:1661    



卡罗琳·洛朗·特朗克(Caroline Laurent Turunc),土耳其著名诗人、作家,生于安塔基亚(Antakya)的一个阿拉伯裔土耳其家庭。她15岁起开始写作,自2013年起,共创作了1000首诗,并参加了三本选集,出版了两本诗集:《东方与莎玛之间》、《沙漠玫瑰》。现居巴黎。

Traveler Of The Road

We hit but hit in the deepest time of the heart
Neither the dagger nor the knife could have bled so much
A drop of nostalgia between existence and nothingness that is often seen
Then we put the smell of pain instead of kohol
And the sadness of the swelling in the cheek ditch

The harness had no tongue, the Ruby the Emerald were diamonds!
Even though the truth had a name we called it
Knot, beggar, drunk
We cut off the finger of the one who reaches out

unknown of the time who created the creator!
Who are the poorest in existence and in nothingness
Are they those who lack morals or rich in goods?
Or is it the stalk of the ear of wheat pitting us against each other?
Give birth to kill hide.

Was this the end point of the most precious advice
On top of the one who knows eloquence and rhetoric by heart
Cry those who observes neither the rhyme nor the measure nor the style
Imperialism that have taken the continent under its influence is a reptile
Is it for the meal of the wolves all these joys all these cries of pain

These wolves have known sheep for millions of centuries
They discovered the tastiest pearl in the throat
Those who are like us belong to them to the bone
Serve throat food for their hundreds
Rubies were children's tears

O wayward traveler in the desert of Kaaba
The wound of ignorance is not the sun of science
The sun is hard work for the earth to reach
And you, oh son of man unbelieving religion, morals, faith were very expensive
But you,
you sold them at a low price …


匕首共刀子 皆无法泣血。
时常闻得 有无之间 怀旧无限,
而后 我们以痛味替了麻醉,
脸颊之呈现 肿胀的悲欲。

即使 我们亦知真相的名讳,
令我们总是折去 引向它们的指头。

造物者的起始 终是无知其时!
混沌之中 又是谁更可惜?
他们是无知 亦或富庶的人吗?
或又是粮食之实 令我们彼此抗衡,
生来 独为杀戮?

灵魂上 更懂诡辩的心灵,
帝国主义的阴霾 令人世布满了恶毒的畜生,
一切之欢苦 又岂止狼口间的肥肉。

狼群 熟悉羊之“弱性”太久,
它们 视善意作轻薄。
似我们 正如它们垂涎的美味,
总作它们 嘴里的口食,
红色的宝石 恰成幼童的眼泪。

哦 天房的沙漠中 任性的羁客哟,
无知的伤口 不是真实的焰心。
太阳 为光明布满这星球 通宵达旦,
你们呵 上帝的儿女 却不重珍贵的信仰、道德与公平,
反而 售之以轻 出卖着自己的灵魂。
