2022-03-25 James Tian 浏览:1541
玛丽娅·纳杰弗·波波夫(Marija Najthefer Popov),1958年3月11日出生在锡瓦克(塞尔维亚伏伊伏丁那州的巴克),塞尔维亚著名女诗人。自1996年以来,她一直在兹伦贾宁生活和创作。至今,她已在国内外一百多部联合诗集上发表作品;在多家国内外刊物上发表;译成多种语言。
The Circle
I wonder sometimes where you are,
I wonder sometimes whether you wonder too,
I am because you know where I am,
I'm here where have you gone,
I am a buried treasure,
But you run away farther and farther,
From me, you have to come once again.
The planet circles around my heart
I have wrapped my eyes,
And listen to the healing song.
I want to write a song to you
With a balm of medicinal letters,
And words with the healing power,
I want write them on a piece of linen paper,
To make impressive ink-dew in the morning.
I intend to write on my mother-in-law,
I feel a confinement like in a cage,
I am not allowed to step out of this life,
I want to write with long stanzas,
As long as years and centuries are, so that
Your reading lasts on pillow of medicine,
The healing mat.
The song will be so beautiful,
It will cease her pain
And angels will carry her away to heaven,
While reading, she will forget all
And begin to rejoice,
I would like to write a song like that,
I wanted to write to you too,
Maybe I could, just let me work a last.
有时欲知 你在哪里,
有时会想 你是否亦在思忆,
只因你知 我在哪里,
我就于此 你我熟悉之地。
我是被种下的 一种宝贝,
然而你却 愈渐走远,
你应该 再来一次。
这个星球 周转着我的内心,
只为聆听 治愈的旋律。
我想为你 写首歌曲,
我想写在 一张亚麻纸上,
清晨创造 令人深刻的墨迹。
我想写下 婆婆的故事,
感觉又像 关进了笼子,
无法离开 这种生活,
欲用长诗 镌刻铭记。
令你赏后 有妙方来治愈,
治疗垫上 可有奇迹。
此歌 会很美丽,
天使 会将她带往天去。
我想写一首 这样的歌曲,
亦想 送之给你,
只求 赠我勇气。