2022-03-25 James Tian 浏览:1404
她活跃在多种文化领域里,并参加了多个诗歌节:罗马尼亚(Curtea de Arges)国际诗歌节(2016),(伊斯坦布尔)土耳其诗歌节(2017),马其顿/阿尔巴尼亚诗歌节(2018)等。诗歌已被翻译成10多种语言。
My Children
Still the sound of shadow lingers
The silver light reaches the dawn
The flowers of the ruins did not accept the betrayal.
The wind comforts the battered tree.
The footsteps of the elderly did not mismatch over the light of time
Misunderstanding set fire to the broken heart
Even so the errors do not turn gray.
But they make us the fetish smell of memories.
I look where there is none,
My son drinks a tear leg that insists on leaving my eyes.
My daughter, with her little hand,
Pulls forgotten kisses from my lips.
光影的声音 依然萦绕,
银色的照耀 直达黎明。
废墟上的花朵 不会接受背叛,
风抚慰着那棵 已被摧残的树茎。
老人的脚步声 未随时间的流逝而错开,
误会 却燃烧着破碎的心。
但是它们 却给我们了记忆的奴性。
我呆呆 注视着前方,
我的儿子 渐远处吞下泪影。
女儿 挥舞着她的小手,
把我忘记赠出的吻 摘下而无形。