2022-03-25 James Tian 浏览:1606
毕业于Mihail Kogalniceanu大学“法律系-法律科学”专业,已在国内外的多本选集和杂志上发表过诗歌,并获得过多项大奖。
The Rainbow
The rainbow read my mind
A letter of remembrance
He sat down in the place of the heart
Suddenly his arms spread
And he took my hand
He placed me on his pastel wings
He flew with me to heaven
I felt like a child when I flew in my sleep
To the sky like a condor
”- For a few moments
Look at God
How big is it”
I imagined Him to be the highest
all this people together.
The hermit lived 105 years.
I was left with a lesson
"Don't break the flowers
To love nature and to defend it ”.
彩虹 可知我心思,
纪念的信札 一般如似。
他坐在 中心的位置,
忽然 张开双臂。
把我放在 他柔和的翅膀,
共我一起 飞向天堂。
当我 在睡梦中飞翔,
就感觉 如孩子一样,
像秃鹰似 飞向青空之上。
看他究竟 多么伟大。”
曾想象 他是最高的存在,
所有人 都在他的身下。
此个修道者 活了105年,
终于 给我上了一课,
“莫要 凭空折花,
热爱自然 保卫它吧”。