
2022-03-28   James Tian    浏览:1388    


阿尔瓦罗·马约(Álvaro Maio),1960年生于葡萄牙。葡萄牙著名诗人、广播电台和国家期刊的专栏作家。


Men are not islands

Men are not islands

Sometimes they are

Greed consumes loners

Sharing raises knowledge

Knowledge is like light that warms life

Nobody walks in the same direction with their backs turned

The sea that separates and separates can be a bridge

Thought is like the sea

Sometimes it unites others ...

Lost wander on the avenue

I do not identify the trees that flank the tar

I feel the wind hit me in the face

The plowing filtered through the leaves of the trees whistles

The agitated branches bend in greeting

I can almost hear their voices

Can someone translate what they say?

The morning dew still shines on the leaves

They look like tears that denounce suffering

Earth suffers

And we too

Could it be that we were trees too?

Or will we still be again?

The eternal question

Where we came from?

Where are we going?

While we have no answer

we stayed!



然而 有时会如此,

只因那 贪婪之欲 吞噬着孤独的羁旅。

明明共享 可以互升认知,

学识 会像温柔的生命之光,

无人 可以相背着 但走向同一片土地。

分流的海 亦可是一座桥,

而思想 便似这无尽的波,

有时 它就是联系起大家的秘密……

于街口 怅惘地漫步,

竟不知 柏油路旁的树木 姓甚名谁,

惟感到风 打在脸上,

树叶间 呼啸而过 沙沙的抽泣。

摇曳的枝桠 躬腰施礼,

似乎 可以听到它们的声音,

但是 谁能翻译 它们此刻的低语?

清晨之露 依然照对着叶儿,

它们似是 遭遇谴责的痛的眼滴。



莫非 我们亦是树的幻化?

或是 我们本作树的一例?

此是 永恒的问题:


我们 又要到哪去?

即使 我们不知所以,

然而 我们却仍在这里!
