2022-03-28 James Tian 浏览:1716
Know that people have always been brothers,
Know that man is a friend to man.
It is the only prayer when the heart is broken,
Brotherhood is the only salvation of the world.
Although the language of every nation,
Although every nation has a religion,
Still, the neighbor is the only god,
Brotherhood is the only salvation of the world.
English, French, German, Italian,
Russia, Turkey, Iraq and Iran,
American, Indian, Chinese dress,
Brotherhood is the only salvation of the world.
The world is the home of every nation,
People have suffered from every humiliation,
Wedding holiday is a quote,
Brotherhood is the only garment in the world.
却知 人为何要手足情深,
亦知 人皆要互待以真。
此是 心碎时唯一可靠倚的祈祷,
手足之情 是这世上唯一的救赎无痕。
虽也是 每个民族都有各自的语言特色,
虽也是 每个国家都有不同的宗教笃信。
然而 相邻是唯一的上帝存在,
手足之情 是这世上唯一的救赎无痕。
手足之情 是这世上唯一的救赎无痕。
此个星球 是每个国家的归宿,
人们现在 却还在屈辱中坚忍;
蜜月假期 是一种绝好的预示,
手足之情 是这世上仅存的避羞衣巾。