2024-04-26 张秋弈 王帅伟 浏览:3062
The 22nd New York Masters Forum was held at the 866 United Nations Plaza in New York City.
一年一度的纽约名家论坛再次拉开了帷幕,4月9日下午,曼哈顿866联合国大厦会议厅高朋满座。名家论坛自从1998年开场,已经举办了21场,每次论坛邀请了各界精英名家就美国和国际普遍关心的问题,进行讨论,交流,既活跃了人们的思想,并促进了学术的发展。本次论坛的主题为:艺术,教育,科技和健康的交叉对话。主办机构为联合国NGO组织国际战略家联盟,世界艺术中心,名家出版社, 协办机构UNAA 艺术学校,美国21世纪文化科技协会
The annual New York Masters Forum once again kicked off, with a full house of distinguished guests gathering in the afternoon of April 9th at the United Nations Building Conference Hall, 866 United Nations Plaza in Manhattan. Since its inception in 1998, the Masters Forum has held 21 sessions, inviting elite figures from various fields to discuss and exchange ideas on issues of common concern in the United States and internationally, thereby stimulating people's thinking and promoting academic development. The theme of this forum is "Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Art, Education, Technology, and Health." The organizing institutions are the International Strategic Alliance of UN NGOs, the World Art Center, Masters Publishing House, co-sponsored by UNAA Art School, and the American 21st Century Cultural Technology Association.
会议主持人为名家出版社社长,世界艺术中心董事长卡林先生。主讲嘉宾包括;联合国NGO组织国际战略家联盟主席赵云龙博士, 来自中国上海的上海文化艺术品鉴促进会会长、上海中国书法院执行院长张耀伟博士,纽约健康学院院长Ellen Song 女士,UNAA 艺术学院David Li院长等。
The moderator of the conference is Mr. Karlin, President of Masters Publishing House and Chairman of the World Art Center. Keynote speakers include Dr. Zhao Yunlong, Chairman of the International Strategic Alliance of UN NGOs; Dr. Zhang Yaowei, President of the Shanghai Cultural Arts Appreciation Promotion Association and Executive Director of the Shanghai Chinese Calligraphy Institute; Ms. Ellen Song, Dean of the New York Health College; and Mr. David Li, Dean of UNAA Art School.
张耀伟博士是第二次参加纽约名家论坛,去年他同著名画家冷军先生先后演讲的艺术与哲学给与会者留下了很深的印象。这次他演讲的题目是《书法与气功》, 从汉字“气”的演变,讲述了中国气功的演变,以及与中国书法的联系,阐明了,中国著名书法家大都是80岁、90岁高寿以上,甚至100岁以上,例如北宋的陈抟,上海中国书法院顾问书法家顾振乐106岁。张博士还当场演示了书法气功操,引起场与会者兴趣,纷纷学习,张博士并在预备好的宣纸上示范书法入门创作,提出了书法学习应从古篆八法入手,熟练书法线条是学习中国书法的基础和捷径。“书法疗养身心”成为本届论坛的热门话题。
Dr. Zhang Yaowei is attending the New York Masters Forum for the second time. Last year, his speeches on art and philosophy with the renowned painter Mr. Leng Jun left a deep impression on the participants. This time, his lecture is titled "Calligraphy and Qigong," tracing the evolution of Chinese characters "qi," describing the evolution of Chinese qigong, its connection with Chinese calligraphy, and elucidating that most famous Chinese calligraphers are over 80, 90, or even over 100 years old, such as Chen Tuan of the Northern Song Dynasty and Gu Zhenle, a 106-year-old consultant calligrapher at the Shanghai Chinese Calligraphy Institute. Dr. Zhang also demonstrated calligraphy qigong exercises on the spot, arousing the interest of the participants, who eagerly followed suit. Dr. Zhang also demonstrated basic calligraphy creation on prepared rice paper, proposing that the study of calligraphy should start with the Eight Principles of Ancient Seals, and proficient calligraphy strokes are the foundation and shortcut to learning Chinese calligraphy. "Calligraphy Therapy" became a hot topic at this forum.
Chinese artist Mr. Zhang Yaowei demonstrated qigong calligraphy on site
Dr. Zhang Yaowei also proposed to establish a memorial hall for his teacher, the master of Chinese studies, Mr. Nan Huaijin, together with the Dinglong Museum, because both of these sages had compassionate feelings: "Thousands of worries, inches of heart for the mountains and rivers." They are both inheritors and promoters of Chinese culture.
Dr. Zhang Yaowei's calligraphy work, accompanied by the following explanation:
"In walking, standing, sitting, and lying down, rub the hands over the abdomen. When the mind and abdomen are connected and agile, the hands move down to the intestines. Rubbing thoroughly to invigorate the arms and waist, then use fists to massage the kidneys. When feeling weary, seek assistance from family members. Practice without fatigue repeatedly, day and night without end. With years of accumulated effort, gradually embark on the path of immortality. A poem on the lifestyle of immortals."
Zhang Yaowei's Contemporary Calligraphy Work "Miao Men"
Ellen 女士介绍了纽约健康学院是纽约唯一美国新英格兰教育论证机构论证的一所中医大学,建校40多年,为美国培养了众多中医药人才。大学围绕“教育”、“服务”、“科研”等,塑造一流国际中医药大学。
Ms. Ellen Song introduced the New York Health College as the only American New England Educational Accreditation Institution in New York that accredits a Chinese medicine university, established for over 40 years, which has trained numerous talents in Chinese medicine for the United States. The university focuses on "education," "service," "research," etc., shaping a first-class international Chinese medicine university.
论坛中艺术家Youyou和哥伦比亚大学的Angel 等多位艺术家,还对当今最热的,争议最大的AI技术,进行讨论,对AI技术应用利弊阐述各自观点。艺术家孙利达以他个人经历帮助了诸如冷军等多位艺术家走进美国市场,他呼吁金融市场能同艺术市场应该有更紧密的连接。香港金融家乔治先生表示他们计划同世界艺术中心联合设立一个5亿美金的艺术基金,介入当代艺术品的发觉和市场运作。巴尔的摩乐团经理爱德华先生同大家分享了他带领乐队在美国,欧洲和亚洲各国循环演出时,从与观众交流中发现不同文化背景下人们对同样音乐演奏的不同反应。移民美国近30年的黄华医生,借此论坛正式宣布,愿意将坐落在纽约上州丁龙路上的一座楼房捐献出来同哥伦比亚大学联合成立丁龙博物馆,以纪念这位清朝末年来美国的穷苦劳工将毕生积蓄的12000美元捐献给哥大成立了名闻迩遐的东亚研究所。对他的义举,诸多与会者纷纷表示愿意出钱出力,早日建成丁龙博物馆。
During the forum, artists such as Youyou and Angel from Columbia University discussed the hottest and most controversial AI technologies today, elaborating on the pros and cons of AI technology applications. Artist Sun Lida, through his personal experiences, helped many artists like Leng Jun enter the American market. He called for closer connections between the financial market and the art market. Mr. George, a Hong Kong financier, announced their plan to jointly establish a $500 million art fund with the World Art Center to intervene in the discovery and market operation of contemporary artworks. Mr. Edward, manager of the Baltimore Orchestra, shared with everyone the different reactions of people from different cultural backgrounds to the same musical performance during the orchestra's touring performances in the United States, Europe, and Asia. Dr. Huang Hua, who has immigrated to the United States for nearly 30 years, formally announced at the forum that he is willing to donate a building located on Dinglong Road in upstate New York to jointly establish the Dinglong Museum with Columbia University, commemorating the poor laborer from the late Qing Dynasty who donated his life savings of $12,000 to Columbia University to establish the renowned East Asian Institute. Many participants expressed their willingness to contribute money and effort to the early completion of the Dinglong Museum.
纽约名家论坛组委会、联合国国际战略家联盟、世界艺术中心颁发有关奖项:Ellen Song杰出成就奖,张耀伟杰出成就奖。Angle 释文:”Zhao显著成就奖。
The New York Masters Forum Organizing Committee, the International Strategic Alliance of UN NGOs, and the World Art Center presented the following awards: Outstanding Achievement Award to Ellen Song, Outstanding Achievement Award to Zhang Yaowei, and Remarkable Achievement Award to Angel Zhao.
参加论坛的嘉宾还有,美国著名艺术家Sal Sidner,中国深圳前海特区商会会长刘明如,纽约金融学院联席总裁邓隆隆等。会议嘉宾著名艺术家冷军因故未出席论坛,被称为小冷军的超现实主义画家蔡杰也参加论坛。
Other guests attending the forum included renowned American artist Sal Sidner, Liu Mingru, President of the Qianhai Chamber of Commerce in Shenzhen, China, and Deng Longlong, Co-President of the New York Institute of Finance. Unfortunately, the conference was not attended by the esteemed artist Leng Jun due to unforeseen circumstances. However, Cai Jie, a surrealist painter known as "Little Leng Jun," participated in the forum.
The atmosphere of the forum was enthusiastic and lasted for more than three hours, with everyone reluctant to leave their seats.
Famous New York artist YOYO, created works
(ORIGINAL: 美国元宇宙新闻社记者Oliver 张秋弈(Qiuyi Zhang))
(ORIGINAL: Oliver, Reporter, American linkcosmic News Agency)